CIC - Cycle of Cultural Interactions - talks on cultural production, mediation and programming (guests: Rui Catarino, Paulo Soeiro de Carvalho, Miguel Honrado, Ana Godinho, Lucinda Correia, Miguel Silvestre, Joaquim Borges Gouveia, Elísio Summavielle, Pedro Bernardo, Jorge Vaz de Carvalho);
the production of an exhibition of performances by ESAD.CR Visual Arts students - Art and Performance -, an event within the scope of CLN 22 (Caldas Late Night);
programming and production of the Von Calhau! para voz e eletrónica - as a warm-up for the CUBÍCULO project;
creation of the CUBÍCULO project - a permanent programming space aimed at the areas of environmental design, product design, graphic design, visual arts, performing arts and multimedia;
LUZ.CERÂMICA, an exhibition at the Caldas da Rainha Ceramics Museum of Nino Alfieri art pieces, followed by a workshop for Product Design, Ceramics and Glass students;
I was also part of the writing committee for the application for the Unesco Chair in Arts and Culture Management, Cities and Creativity - which has since been based at
Mulheres em Terra, Homens no Mar, by Maria Gil (production assistance);
À Descoberta do Lavadouro de Carnide, by Jéssica Lopes and Mariana Marques (project management);
ONANISMOS, by Eduardo Batata and Maria Llanderas (executive production);
managed two study visits for young people from the Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Bairro Padre Cruz, in partnership with the latter.
provided support in organising the association's archives, legal matters, logistics and budgets.
Turma de 95, by Raquel Castro (Bairro Alto Theatre, 2019)
Mistério da Cultura, by David Marques (Bairro Alto Theatre, 2019)
Infiltração, by Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz (Bairro Alto Theatre, 2019)
Dança Sem Vergonha, by David Marques (Gaivotas 6, 2019)
Ilhas - uma constelação, by Sara Anjo (Lisboa Soa, 2020)
Oráculo, by Sara Anjo and Teresa Silva (Bairro Alto Theatre, 2020)
Critique, by David Marques (2020)
Enjoy the Weather, by Teresa Silva (Estúdios Victor Córdon, 2021)
Ainda Estou Aqui, by Tiago Lima (TNDMII, 2021)
Sabotagem, an artistic residency project in the virtual space of Agência 25 (2021)